
Archive for June, 2010

Dusseldorf and Amis

Today there was an invasion.  And invasion of amis – slang for Americans (pronounced ah-mee – and I just realized that sounds an awful lot like another stereotype of Americans that it is all about me – oh wait, maybe that’s not about Americans but about me.)  🙂

There is a small group of english speaking expats that blog.  And occassionally we meet up.  I have met the leader, aka The Claw, once before but everyone else was new.  I have yet to check out their blogs (sorry!!) but enjoyed their company during the excruciatingly hot day that is uncommon for Germany.

We ate lunch at a lovely market then strolled on over to the Rhein, where we relaxed in the shade of some trees, enjoying the breeze and music of the party boats going by.

It was nice.

And sweaty.

And there was lots of laughter.

I have a headache though – I am really not cut out for the heat.  Unlike The Claw, I prefer colder climates.  70 degrees is perfect, a little cooler is fine too.  (Remind me in winter, when it is cold and rainy that I complained about the heat.)

We forgot our cameras, so no pics today.  But Dusseldorf is more than an airport.  There was some gorgeous architecture and sights to be seen (and not just on Christopher Street).

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